Beach Umbrellas

Beach Umbrellas – Beach Umbrellas

In our days, due to increasing warming the  unpleasant heat creates a growing need for  cooler, shadowy places to relax while having a drink. It is also important to consider what material our shading is made of. Amongst the wide range of roof covering materials the reminiscent natural ones are still proving to be the most popular. Cane is leading the list. It is light, flexible and aesthetic, but its most adventegous feature is light absorbance providing a pleasant, cool place underneath. We produce these beach umbrellas for pleasure resorts, sea beach resorts, holiday resorts and patios of weekend cottages. It gives a real refreshment to rest under a  cool cane roof after an intense sunbath  or a walk in the heat. Our beach umbrellas can be ordered  individually tailored for size.
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